2 Yr. Asparagus Roots-Crowns For Sale In All Varieties!
Asparagus Roots Crown 2 Year Varieties:
Buy 2 Year Asparagus Roots Crowns now in all varieties Jersey Supreme. Knight, Giant, Heirloom and Wild. Where to buy Asparagus roots near me. Buy many Asparagus roots for sale. Asparagus last 15 - 20 years. Planting Asparagus roots - crowns that are 2 years old is fast and easy. However you must have patience as they will not produce edible size spears until the Asparagus roots-crowns are 3 years old.
Ideal Buyer of 2 year Asparagus roots - crowns: Gardeners and farmers who have patience and that want an economical way to introduce Asparagus to their garden. Why plant 2 year old Asparagus roots- crowns? There are several benefits for planting 2 year crowns: there is an economical benefit as 2 year Asparagus crowns cost less than more mature 3 year Asparagus roots crowns, they are less cumbersome to handle, take less time to plant, and reduce worry .