Buy 2 Year Asparagus Crowns Roots - Jersey Knight roots crowns variety are easy to plant and fast to grow. Where to buy the best hybrid bare root Jersey Knight Asparagus roots for sale near me? Buy Jersey Knight 2 year and enjoy benefits of tall thin succulent slender high-quality spears and plenty of them. Buy now many varieties of Asparagus and enjoy years of great harvest.
Skip Jack Fish Emulsion: Why Are Our Asparagus Roots Bigger Healthier? SSSh !! For years we have been making fish emulsion and feeding the Asparagus roots with it. First , plants don't use forks and knives to eat with and they have no teeth. So how do they eat. The Skip Jack is applied to the asparagus fields it has over a million bacteria and fungi that add enzymes to the compost and turn it into a liquid then ingested by the Asparagus roots. With out the fish emulsion it takes forever for the compost to break down - even aged compost.
Grow Greener Fabric Garden Grow Bags: Fabric Grow Pots: Take the Work out of gardening. Plant your garden in Grow Greener Fabric Grow Pots. Make gardening fast and easy. Plant you Asparagus roots in your garden or plant in Grow Greener Fabric Garden Grow Bags.
Back By Popular Demand: Red Wiggler Composting Worms
Earthworms no matter what variety you use will convert the organic compost that you have added to your garden into a nutrient rich protein and enzyme source for your plants. To have a fertile soil there must be compost and worms present. Do plants chew with teeth? Do plants use forks and spoons. Click on the link above and how plants eat.
Planting Tip: Image all those Asparagus growing in your garden. Remember to give them Happy Meal!!